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#theSnapGallery is an artistic investigation into the growing influence of the internet and social media on how we form interpersonal relationships, express ourselves, and form communities.

Most recently, the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA invited #theSnapgallery to their Historic House Crush Block Party. A HUGE thanks to everyone involved– especially those who submitted snaps, traced a composition on the work, or simply enjoyed the feeling of community I hope it evokes! 

#theSnapGallery is heavily reliant on community participation. It is composed of two elements: snapchats placed behind a glass sheet and drawings by participants who add to or trace aspects of the snaps with markers. After this step, the original snapchat is removed, leaving behind a collaboratively-created image emblematic of a productive community. #TheSnapGallery is adaptable and can be executed as a pop-up event or in a more organized environment. Contact us if you want to see #theSnapGallery in your community!

I have always been interested in how the internet has allowed an entire generation to craft self-portraits, so to speak, through their online presence and profiles. Apps like Snapchat, Instagram, and other social platforms give voice to millions of individuals while simultaneously engaging them in an enormous community. Never before have so many people had the tools to exert such influence over the presentation of their image to a public audience. Many of my works focus on recreating imagery from social media in slightly altered forms that force us to confront the relevance of the internet in our social lives. Check out my past experiments below! 

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